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The bathroom is for Azzurra Ceramica a field of experimentation that crosses technological research, quality craftsmanship and customization possibilities. A space of everyday life where sanitary ware and designer bathroom furniture become design tools capable of interpreting today's needs.
Technological innovation for Officina Azzurra means working to improve the user experience. With this in mind, Azzurra offers two new advanced technologies for greater comfort in the bathroom: Antidrip and Silent Drain.
Anti-Drip responds to a dual function: it improves cleanliness and prevents limescale buildup.
Silent Drain considerably reduces the noise of the drain.
Products made entirely of ceramic characterized by simple, linear aesthetic lines that make them true designer furnishings. A mix of technology, design and production quality with a typically Made in Italy taste but with a special focus on foreign markets.
Man and machine work according to a synergy, producing a modern ritual for which every gesture is both real and symbolic, and every Azzurra element becomes a precious artifact, a witness to tradition, dedication and unceasing search for beauty.